Certified Coaches Freestate
Tommy Lessing
Tommy is a Certified Life Coach based in Bloemfontein, South Africa. His mind-wellness approach brings clarity, direction, and positive support for his clients. He helps clients to live their best life, filling the gap between where they are now; and where they want to be. By identifying where growth is desired and setting goals and holding accountability, his clients will reach their highest goals and dreams. Are you feeling a lack of motivation, or lack of understanding of your true purpose? Or do you just want to upgrade your life to the next level? Tommy is trained in helping people find themselves, find direction and true happiness. You are already born with the qualities you will need to get everything you have ever wanted! Tommy helps his clients reach each milestone, one at a time, with an ultimate end goal of satisfaction and success.
Coaching Type
Wellness Coaching
Geographical Area
Freestate / Bloemfontein / Online
Fee Structure
R 500 / Session
Caren Anderson
Caren Anderson has a passion for people and it is her daily purpose to help people discover a life of freedom, joy and victory over every challenge that they may face and to give them the tools to live a healthy, happy and balanced life. She offers you acceptance and a safe place as she walks alongside you on your journey of self-discovery, personal development and growth. Together, you will explore what you really want in your life, why you don’t have this and what you can do to get yourself to the place that you truly desire. The Dynamic Life Coaching model and programme, takes you through the steps of setting goals, planning ways to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals, while discovering and developing yourself along the way. You are a unique individual that will unfold as you become more aware of who you are and start to live your own life purpose.
Coaching Type
Transformation Coaching
Geographical Area
Freestate / Bloemfontein / Online
Fee Structure
R 450 / Session
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